International scientific conference: “B/ORDERS IN MOTION – Current challenges and future perspectives”

"B/ORDERS IN MOTION – Current challenges and future perspectives"

An international scientific conference hosted by the
Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION

15 - 17 November 2018

Collegium Polonicum (Słubice) and European University Viadrina (Frankfurt/Oder)

Conference website:

In 2018, the Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION ( celebrates its fifth anniversary as host and hub for b/order-related research with an international conference. The conference offers a platform to consider current challenges and future perspectives of Border and Boundary Studies in theory and practice. The contributions of international and Viadrina-based researchers will add to an appraisal of ongoing and completed research projects hosted by the Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION.

A basic theoretical challenge derives from the broad and metaphorical use of the terms “border” and “boundary”, each referring to a multiplicity of distinct issues and phenomena. The metaphorical use induced research activities applying the heuristic view from-the-border with regard to distinct phenomena in an impressing variety of topical research fields. In practical terms, Border & Boundary Studies seem to fall apart: A critical stance deciphers border and boundary making as a power relation and emphasizes effects of domination and exclusion. A more practically oriented stance emphasizes the ordering and “bridging” effects of borders and aims to contribute to more coherent border politics. Assuming that Border & Boundary Studies’ intellectual vitality and public attention and relevance arises from the continuous interplay and dialogue of these two lines of sight, the conference provides space for the encounter of researchers engaged in Border & Boundary Studies from a variety of proveniences.

Emanating from completed and ongoing research at the Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION, the conference offers space for exchange and enhancement of conceptual and theoretical approaches and their application in empirical research. Six topical foci will inform the discussions: State Borders & Migration, Un/Making Borders and Boundaries, Language – Migration – Borders, The Gender Dimension of B/ORDERS IN MOTION, Borderless Labor – Labor across Borders, European Integration: Cross-border Cooperation & Technology. The questions of current challenges and future perspectives of the B/ORDERS IN MOTION agenda will be discussed at two round tables.

The conference is open to external guests!

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