Call for proposals for a themed issue of the journal Flux: New historical perspectives on ‘off-grid’ techniques (Vol. 2)

Journal Flux, the journal publishes articles in French and English.

Themed issue:
New historical perspectives on ‘off-grid’ techniques (Vol. 2): ‘Off-grid’ techniques and network/off-grid dichotomy (18th-20th centuries) in France and in international perspective.

Eds. Benjamin Bothereau, Olivier Coutard, Jean-Baptiste Fressoz and Joel A. Tarr

Contribution proposals can relate to all regions of the globe, to techniques operating in various spaces, those of production as well as those of consumption, from the domestic
space to urban, regional, national and international scales. Case studies outside France,
inter- or transnational comparisons, the international circulation of techniques (and associated practices, discourses and imaginations) are very welcome.
- Call circulation: February 2024
- Submission of first drafts to the journal: September 15, 2025
- Reviews sent to authors: December 15, 2025
- Submission of revised drafts: April 30, 2026
- Submission of final versions: September 30, 2026
- Published: December 15, 2026
This extended timetable — in particular before the submission of the first version of the
proposal (19 months) — aims to allow additional investigations to be carried out, if
needed, before submitting an article proposal.
Colleagues who wish to ensure that their proposed contribution fits well into the themed
issue can send the coordinators a declaration of intent, in the form of a summary of the
proposed contribution, and ask for feedback.
Article proposals will be evaluated as they are submitted; accepted articles will be posted
online as they are accepted, after formatting in the journal's format.

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